
  • Hồng Đinh Văn Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Ân Vũ Đình Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Giang Vũ Sơn Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Kháng Diệp Hồng Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Nghĩa Nguyễn Văn Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Tá Nguyễn Đình Bệnh viện Quân y 175


hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis, therapeutic plasma exchange


Objectives: Review of clinical and subclinical features and evaluation of treatment efficacy of hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis with therapeutic plasma exchange at the Intensive Care Unit, Military Hospital 175.

Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 28 patients with hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis treated with therapeutic plasma exchange from January 2019 to March 2020.

Results: The population is mainly male (93%) and in the working age (78%). Patients were mainly mild acute pancreatitis, with APACHE II score of 5.96 ± 2.41 and Ranson score of 1.18 ± 0.91. The time from onset to admission was 17.5 ± 7.8 hours, with no patients admitted after 48 hours. The time delay to the first TPE was 6.0 ± 1.04 hours. Triglycerides at presentation was 23.99 ± 12.87 mmol/L, and did not correlate with APACHE II score (r2 = 0,02, p = 0,471), Ranson score (r2 = 0,064, p = 0,194) or length of hospital stay (r2 = 0,07, p = 0,671). The overall reduction in triglycerides during TPE was 84%, of which 65% after the first TPE and 77% after the second TPE. The median hospital stay was 10 (7;12) days and in-hospital mortality was 0%.

Conclusions: TPE has shown to be an effective treatment for patients with hypertriglyceri-demia-induced acute pancreatitis.


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How to Cite

Đinh Văn , H., Vũ Đình , Ân, Vũ Sơn , G., Diệp Hồng , K., Nguyễn Văn , N., & Nguyễn Đình , T. (2024). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THERAPEUTIC PLASMA EXCHANGE FOR HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA - INDUCED ACUTE PANCREATITIS AT THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - MILITARY HOSPITAL 175. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (26), 10. Retrieved from https://tapchi.benhvien175.vn/yduocthuchanh175/article/view/112