
  • Trí Đặng Lê Minh Phân hiệu phía Nam/ Học viên Quân y
  • Minh Lê Kiều Trung tâm Y sinh học phân tử/ĐH Y Dược TP.HCM


Orthostatic hypotension (OH), hypertension, OH risk factors


Background: Orthostatic hypotension (OH), also called postural hypotension, in hypertensive patients causes many consequences in the elderly such as increased hospitalization rates, falls, fainting, decreased quality of life and death. There are not yet many studies on orthostatic hypotension in elderly patients with hypertension as well as regarding to the risk factors for OH in Vietnam nowadays.

Objectives: Determining rate of OH and the rate of some risk factors of OH, as well as investigating the relationship between OH and some risk factors causing OH in elderly patients with hypertension at 175 Military Hospital.

Method: 351 hypertensive patients ≥ 60 years old who are on outpatient treatment at the Cardiology clinic of 175 Military Hospital from October 2019 to March 2020. Descriptive, analytical cross-sectional study. Data were collected according to variables related to social population and hypertension records.

Results: The percentage of OH in this study was 26.2%. The rate of blood pressure control, excessive blood pressure control, the rate of multi-drug and the rate of multiple diseases are 67.2%, 15.1%, 76.4% and 96,6% respectively.

Conclusion: Orthostatic hypotension is a barrier to blood pressure control in elderly patients. Excessive blood pressure control is a risk factor for orthostatic hypotension. However, control of blood pressure is a protective factor of orthostatic hypotension.


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How to Cite

Đặng Lê Minh , T., & Lê Kiều , M. (2024). PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION IN ELDERLY HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS AT MILITARY HOSPITAL 175. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (26), 10. Retrieved from