
  • Minh Phạm Thị Tường Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy
  • Phước Lê Văn Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy
  • Thương Trương Minh Bệnh viện Quân y 175


Objectives: Studying the correlation between apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), immunohistological marker Ki-67 and histopathological grading of glioma. Determining the association between ADC and Ki-67 in the grading of glioma.

Methods: Case series study at Cho Ray hospital from 01/2016 to 06/2017. The correlation between ADC, Ki-67 and histopathological grading of glioma were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The associations between ADC and Ki-67 were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

Results: 83 cases were studied. Male/female ratio:1,77/1. The mean age: 38,5 ± 17,1. The most frequent locations were in supratentorium region (92,8%). Patients with high-grade gliomas (54,2%) were more than those with low-grades (45,8%). Spearman’s correlation coefficients between ADC of high-grade glioma and those of low-grade: r = -0,855, p = 0,00, between ADC of grade I and grade II glioma: r= -0,233, p=0,159 > 0,05; between ADC of grade III and grade IV glioma: r= -0,127, p=0,404 > 0,05. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between ADCn of high-grade glioma and those of low-grade: r = -0,851, p = 0,00; between ADCn of grade I and grade II glioma: : r = -0,182, p= 0,273 > 0,05; between ADCn of grade III and grade IV glioma: r = -0,121, p= 0,43 > 0,05. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between Ki-67 of high-grade glioma and those of low-grade: r = 0,725, p = 0,00; between Ki-67 of grade I and grade II glioma: r= 0,275, p=0,095 > 0,05; between Ki-67 of grade III and grade IV glioma: r=0,33, p=0,27 > 0,05. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between ADC and Ki-67: r = -0,521, p<0,00001. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between ADCn and Ki-67: r = -0,523, p < 0,00001.

Conclusions: The ADC values of tumor and ADCn were significant negatively associated with the low-grade and high-grade glioma, however, there were not a statistically significant difference in between ADC tumor with grade I and grade II, between ADC tumor with grade III and grade IV, between ADCn with grade I and grade II, between ADCn with grade III and grade IV glioma. Ki-67 were significant positively associated with the low-grade and high-grade glioma, however, there were not a statistically significant difference in between grade I and grade II, between grade III and grade IV glioma. Both ADC values of tumor and ADCn were significant inversely associated with the Ki-67 in the grading of glioma.


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How to Cite

Phạm Thị Tường , M., Lê Văn , P., & Trương Minh , T. (2024). THE CORRELATION BETWEEN APPARENT DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT AND IMMUNOHISTOLOGICAL MARKER KI-67 IN GRADING OF GLIOMA. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (25), 9. Retrieved from