
  • Ân Nguyễn Đình Hùng Nha khoa Pacific
  • Lánh Lê Đức Đại học Y Dược TP.HCM
  • Linh Dương Mỹ Bệnh viện Quân y 175


PRF, Bone graft, autogenous bone


Objectives: This experimental study was to evaluate the histological effect of PRF combined autogenous bone graft on rabbits after 1, 2 and 3 month healing.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 8 rabbits, aged from 8-12 months, weighted over 3 kg. Animals was divided into 2 groups. Two bone defects with diameter 5 mm, depth 2 mm were created on right or left tibia in all groups. Only particulated autogenous bone graft and combination of PRF and autogenous bone graft were performed to all animals. The animals in the first group were sacrificed after 30 days. The second group were sacrificed after 60 day. Histomorphometrical and statistical analysis was performed. The data were analyzed using Mann Whiney and ANOVA test.

Results: Histomorphomertrical analyzes showed that PRF used in conjuction with autogenous bone graft, PRF accelerated the healing of bone defects. There were statistically significant differences in closure of defect, bone graft remnant and new bone area values in autogenous bone graft with PRF than other groups.

Conclusion: Our preliminary results demonstrated that PRF increase new bone formation and positive on early bone healing.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Đình Hùng , Ân, Lê Đức , L., & Dương Mỹ , L. (2024). HISTOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF EFFECT OF PLATELET-RICH FIBRIN (PRF) COMBINED AUTOGENOUS BONE GRAFT IN RABBIT’S BONE DEFECTS. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (25), 10. Retrieved from https://tapchi.benhvien175.vn/yduocthuchanh175/article/view/126