
  • Huy Trần Nguyễn An Bệnh viện Hoàn Mỹ Sài Gòn
  • Sơn Hồ Văn Bệnh viện Quân y 175


Introduction: Cardiac biomarkers play an important role in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (MI), the leading cause of death in cardiovascular diseases, in order to contribute to reducing mortality. mortality and complications caused by MI. The classic cardiovascular biology markers such as CK (creatine kinase) - MB isoform (CK-MB) and troponin T appear in plasma quite late. Therefore, the application of new biomarkers with high sensitivity and specificity for early diagnosis of MI is necessary.

Methods: Cross-descriptive study was conducted from 12/2018 to 08/2019 on 39 patients with acute MI with ST elevation admitted to Military Hospital 175 within 6 hours from the onset of chest pain. All patients participating in the study were tested for H-FABP and hs-Troponin twice at two times: at diagnosis of acute MI with ST elevation and after 24 hours.

Results: The concentration of H-FABP peaked at ≤ 6 hours with 13.4 ng / ml decreased at ≥ 24 hours with 4.31 ng / ml, p <0.001. The concentration of hs-TnT at ≤ 6 hours had a very low concentration with 0.041 ng / ml, increased and peaked at ≥ 24 hours with 5.77 ng / ml, p <0.001. 89.7% of patients with H-FABP levels at ≤ 6 hours increased higher than the cut-off point (6.41ng / ml), while at the time of ≥ 24 hours only 23.1%, p <0 , 05. 69.2% of patients had higher levels of hs-Troponin T at the time of ≤ 6 hours compared with the cut-off point, while at the time of ≥ 24 hours it increased to 94.9%, p <0.05.


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How to Cite

Trần Nguyễn An , H., & Hồ Văn , S. (2024). H-FABP AND HS-TROPONIN T PLASMA LEVELS IN ACUTE ST ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (25), 8. Retrieved from https://tapchi.benhvien175.vn/yduocthuchanh175/article/view/130