
  • Anh Đặng Hoàng Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Đạo Lê Quang Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Long Nguyễn Đăng Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Ninh Phạm Đăng Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Thành Nguyễn Đình Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Anh Bùi Tuấn Bệnh viện Quân y 103


calcaneal fracture, locking calcaneal plate


Objective: To evaluate result of osteosynthesis by locking calcaneal plate for closed calcaneus fracture.

Subjects & Methods: A prospective study of 34 patients with 40 closed calcanealfractures (follow by Essex - Lopresti’classification), were treated by locking calcaneal plate fixation at 103 Military Hospital from March 2017 to September 2019.

Results: 90% healing incision of the first period; 5% having superficial infection and 5% having necrosis at incision site healed of second period. Results of operative reduction: excellent in 55%, fair in 27,5%, and poor in 17,5% of the fractures. Evaluating for long – term resuls in 28 cases, we found that: Union was seen in 100% of cases, no secondary displacement; there were two cases of which Bohler’s angle decreased > 100 . According to the AOFAS Ankle–Hind foot score, results were excellent in 35.7 % of the patients, good in 28,6%, fair in 25.0%, and poor in 10.7% of patients. The mean AOFAS Ankle - hindfoot score was 82,96 (Range 55 - 97). Late postoperative complications: 03 cases had deep infection, 06 cases had numbness on the lateral side of foot.

Conclusion: Osteosynthesis by locking calcaneal plate to treat intraarticular calcaneal fracture were accordant choice provided good results with good results of rehabilitation of ankle post-operation.


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How to Cite

Đặng Hoàng , A., Lê Quang , Đạo, Nguyễn Đăng , L., Phạm Đăng , N., Nguyễn Đình , T., & Bùi Tuấn , A. (2023). RESULT OF TREATEMENT OF CLOSED CALCANEAL FRACTURE BY OSTEOSYNTHESIS WITH LOCKING PLATE. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (22), 8.