
  • Tài Trần Đức Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Ngọc Nguyễn Hà Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Phán Nguyễn Thông Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Hoàn Ngô Quốc Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Thọ Nguyễn Đức Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Tuấn Trịnh Anh Bệnh viện Quân y 175


Plantar fasciitis, arthroscopy


Object: Evaluate the primary-term clinical results of endoscopic plantar fascia release.

Participants and methods: 07 patients who underwent definitive diagnosis plantar fasciitis at 175 military hospital. Basic medical treatment is composed of measures such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic (NSAIDs); bring customized functional foot orthoses (CFO), physiotherapy, corticosteroid injections, shock-wave therapy. Most of patients who are treated conservatively, but a further procedure is required in the minority who do not respond to conservative therapy. Surgical treatment with methods: open surgery, minimally invasive, arthroscopy. We performed arthroscopic surgery to cut fascia and the post – operations have showed an effective result. The research method is cases series.

Results and conclusion: AOFAS Scale increased from 57.45 to 88.65 points, 100% of patients are satisfied with the outcome after surgery.

Conclusion: The arthroscopy shows the more dominant benefits than open technique in treating plantar fasciitis


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How to Cite

Trần Đức , T., Nguyễn Hà , N., Nguyễn Thông , P., Ngô Quốc , H., Nguyễn Đức , T., & Trịnh Anh , T. (2024). EVALUATE THE PRIMARY-TERM CLINICAL RESULTS OF ENDOSCOPIC PLANTAR FASCIA RELEASE AT 175 MILITARY HOSPITAL. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (21), 9. Retrieved from https://tapchi.benhvien175.vn/yduocthuchanh175/article/view/171