
  • Kiên Nguyễn Trung Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Cường Vũ Thế Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Lịch Nguyễn Thanh Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Dung Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bệnh viện Quân y 175


Ofject: evaluate the firstresults of pituitary adenomas microsurgery by transsphenoidal approach

Methods: retrospectivestudy based on 09 patients with pituitary tumor operated by transsphenoidal microsurgery at Hospital 175 from 01/2014 to 12/2017. Evaluate the degree of tumor resection, the intra-op and post-op complications and early outcome.

Results: 9 patients with pituitary tumors satisfied studied criteria. There are 6 males (66,67%). 5 non-secreting adenomas (55,56%), 3 prolactinomas (33,33%) and 1 GH-secreting tumor (acromegaly). Aproach and tumor resection in 9/9=100%. Mean operating time is 100 minutes. Intra-op: no CSF fistular. Pathological findings: 8 adenoma, 1 carcinoma. Totally resection 1/9=11,11%, near totally 7/9=77,78% and partially resection 1/9=11,11% Early complication: diabetes insipidous 1/9=11,11%, amblyopia 1/9=11,11%.

Conclusion: transsphenoidal microsurgery is safe, effective treatment of pituitary tumor.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Trung , K., Vũ Thế , C., Nguyễn Thanh , L., & Nguyễn Thị Ngọc , D. (2024). THE RESULTS OF PITUITARY ADENOMAS MICROSURGERY BY TRANSSPHENOIDAL APPROACH. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (21), 7. Retrieved from