
  • Mai Bạch Tuyết Bệnh viện Trương Vương
  • Chi Vũ Thị Kim Đại học Quốc Tế Hồng Bàng


early ambulation, post-caesarean exercise, post-caesarean recovery


Objective: To determine the compliance rate and evaluate the effectiveness of early ambulation exercise of pregnant women post-cesarean delivery in pain relief and recovery of intestinal motility at Trung Vuong Hospital.

Subjects and methods: a cohort study, all women after their first cesarean section within 24 hours at Trung Vuong Hospital, undergo the spinal anesthesia; were instructed to start the early ambulation exercise according to the hospital procedures. The assessment of the compliance rate was accumulated over 3 periods (6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours) and was classified into two groups: the active and the non-active collaborative groups.

Results: The percentage of women who actively participated in early ambulation exercise post-cesarean section was 65.2%. Across all three assessment periods, the VAS pain score in the active group was remarkably lower than in the non-active group, and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The recovery rate of early bowel motility (flatus < 18 hours) after the cesarean section in the active collaborative group was 90.0%, significantly higher than the non-active group (62.5%), p < 0.05.

Conclusion: The early ambulation exercise provides significant pain relief and helps restore early bowel motility for post-cesarean section women.


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How to Cite

Bạch Tuyết , M., & Vũ Thị Kim , C. (2024). ADVANTAGES OF ADHERING TO THE EARLY AMBULATION EXERCISE IN THE POST-CESAREAN PERIOD. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (21), 9. Retrieved from