
  • Cương Huỳnh Ngọc Bệnh viện Quân Dân Y Miền Đông
  • Lan Nguyễn Thị Phương Bệnh viện Quân Dân Y Miền Đông


Stress, depression, anxiety, DASS-21


Background: Status stress, depression prolonged and the consequences of this problem are extremely heavy, but the impact on the people is silently evolving. Understanding issues related to mental health, especially stress, depression, anxiety is an important issue that needs to be studied fully.

Objectives: Determine the rate of stress, depression, anxiety of employees at Quan Dan Y Mien Dong hospital; Identify factors related to stress, depression, anxiety of employees

Methods: Research cross-sectional analysis and sampled all the staff working at Quan Dan Y Mien Dong hospital at the time of the study.

Results: The rates of stress, depression, anxiety of employees are respectively 15,5%, 27,7%, 32,4%. After controlling with multivariate regression models, the study found a link between stress with professional skills, working time and factors of work nature; depression with gender, professionalism and factors of work nature; anxiety with gender and factors of work nature.

Conclusions: Stress, depression, anxiety are three variables that are related, a pathological spiral. The presence of an element will increase the remaining two factors. Research has shown that work pressure is the cause of stress, depression, anxiety


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How to Cite

Huỳnh Ngọc , C., & Nguyễn Thị Phương , L. (2024). STATUS STRESS, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY EMPLOYEES AT QUAN DAN Y MIEN DONG HOSPITAL IN 2019. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (20), 11. Retrieved from