
  • Toàn Lê Hữu Bệnh viện Quân y 7A
  • Giang Đặng Hồng Bệnh viện Quân y 7A


third molar, surgical treatment results


Objectives: To evaluate the clinical features, complications and surgical treatment results of impacted lower third molar at Odontomaxillofacial Department, 7A Military Hospital from 04/ 2019 to 07/2019.

Subjects and methods: study conducted on 82 patients with diagnosed and treated of impacted lower third molar at 7A Military Hospital. Research methods: cross-sectional description.

Results: the ratio of impacted lower third molar in men and women is similar; the most common age was15 - 30 years old (74.39%); The mainly cause was pain and swelling of infected teeth (56.1%); The most common complication is local infection (39.02%); impacted wisdom teeth in mandibular is the highest proportion (87.8%); The most applicable surgical method is flap forming combined with trapping cut points (63.41%).

Conclusion: Evaluation of treatment results of impacted lower third molar extraction surgery after 07 days with 71.95% good, 25.61% moderately good, only 2.44% poor.


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How to Cite

Lê Hữu , T., & Đặng Hồng , G. (2024). EVALUATION OF SURGICAL TREATMENT RESULTS FOR IMPACTED LOWER THIRD MOLAR AT ODONTOMAXILLOFACIAL DEPARTMENT, 7A MILITARY HOSPITAL. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (20), 9. Retrieved from https://tapchi.benhvien175.vn/yduocthuchanh175/article/view/193