
  • Kha Võ Tường Bệnh viện Thể thảo Việt Nam
  • Nhuận Ngô Đức Bệnh viện Thể thảo Việt Nam


Athletes, Routine electrocardiogram, Stress electrocardiogram, Stress physical test


Background: The process of prolonged adaptation to the amount of exercise in athletes will change the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, called Athlete’s Heart Syndrome. ECG changes occur early, but if the adaptive threshold is exceeded, there will be physical disease. Purposes: To evaluate routine and exercise ECG characteristics in athletes.

Objectives: ECG waves of national athletes nationwide. Methods: cross-sectional description of medicine and biomedical statistics.

Research results: The rate of signs of cardiovascular abnormalities: clinical is 4,4%, on routine ECG is 37% (percentage is increased for endurance sports and older age training, respectively: in the weightlifting team, Young weightlifting, rowing, young Rowing... are 18,8 %; 15,4%; 87,5% and 57,9 %; Specific in the group of sports, respectively: in the Karate, Taekwondo, Men’s Freestyle, Rowing team, respectively. selection, Chess, Badminton and Archery... are 45%; 50%; 41,2%; 87,5%; 0%; 0% and 6,9%). Abnormal signs and syndromes on routine electrocardiogram, but no clinical manifestations: QT prolongation 13,8%; Short PR 0,9%; ST elevation 3,4%; ST depression 7,9%; High T 1,3%; World- Parkinson- White 0,9%; Branch block 3,7%; Atrial thickening 0,2%; Ventricular thickening 0,4%; External atrial septal defect 1,4%; Atrioventricular block 0,9%. ECG stress test in athletes with abnormal signs on routine ECG, 83 athletes ~ 75,4% have ECG stress test (-), 15 athletes ~13,.6% athletes have ECG stress test (+) and 12 athletes ~10,9% of athletes have ECG stress test (+/-). Conclusions: 37% of 1172 athletes had abnormalities on routine ECG . This percentage is increased for endurance sports and older age training; 33% of the 545 national athletes in Hanoi had an abnormal ECG , but no pathology, and 13,6% of the athletes in 110 of the athletes were positive for the ECG stress test.


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How to Cite

Võ Tường , K., & Ngô Đức , N. (2024). THE RESULTS OF SURVEY OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAM IN ATHLETES OF NATIONAL TEAMS. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (34), 11.