
  • Toàn Đặng Bảo Bệnh viện Quân y 7A
  • Vân Trần Thị Thanh Bệnh viện Quân y 7A


Hypertension, Holter HA 24 hours


Objectives: Investigating the variable characteristics of pressure on the day of Hypertension-patients by 24-hours ambulatory blood pressure measurement; comparation the rate of the dipping with the hypertension at waking time, according to the age, gentle and some rick factors for huypertension; inverstigate the correlation between the dipping with the hypertension at waking time in the study patient.

Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 85 hypertensive patients was assigned to measure 24-hour Holter blood pressure at the Military Hospital 7A. The period was from March 2022 to October 2022.

Results: The rate of 24-hour-average high blood pressure systole is 52.9%; The rate of high blood pressure systole daytime is 43.5%; high blood pressure systole at night is 68.2%; 24-hour-average high blood pressure diastole is 71.8%; high average diastole blood pressure daytime is 90.6%; 85.9% of the patients is high blood pressure diastole at night. The rate of having hypertension at waking time was 51.1%; The rate of losing blood pressure at night is 77.6%. The rate of having hypertension at waking time in the man patient group is higher than the women group, with statistical significance (p <0.05). The “non-dipping” is average correlation with hypertension at waking time, with OR = 0,23 (95% CI = 3,27 – 16,18), p = 0,032.

Conclusion: The rate of hypertensive patients in the man patient group higher than the man patient group. The non-dipping” may be the caurse of the increase the rate of the hypertension at waking time.


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How to Cite

Đặng Bảo , T., & Trần Thị Thanh , V. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS BLOOD PRESSURE IN PATIE. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (35), 9.