
  • Thúy Đinh Thị Bệnh viện Quân y 175
  • Trung Trần Thiện Đại học Y dược TP. Hồ Chí Minh
  • Lora Claywell Đại học Y dược TP. Hồ Chí Minh
  • Thanh Lâm Phòng khám đa khoa Việt Phước


AIDET communication model, nursing communication, patient satisfaction


Objectives: Evaluate the patients satisfaction about nursing communication before applying the AIDET model (A – Acknowledge, I – Introduce, D – Duration, E – Explanation, T – Thank you), after one week and before discharge.

Subjects and methods: Semi-experimental study, training on AIDET communication model for 48 nurses, assessment of patient’s ability to communicate before and after intervention at the Institute of Orthopedic Trauma, Military Hospital 175 from February to June 2022. Using the questionnaire to survey the level of patient satisfaction at the time points before the application of the AIDET communication model, after one week and before discharge.

Results: The percentage of nurses who performed communication according to the AIDET model after the training had a significant increase compared to before the training and was statistically significant. Compared with before training, after one week is 1.43 times higher (p=0.014); before discharge was 1.55 times higher (p=0.002). After the training, the percentage of patient satisfaction with communication criteria has changed markedly compared to before the training, increasing from 1.7% to 19.2% after 1 week, from 3.5% to 3.5%. 26.8% at the time of before discharge. Specifically, the rate of patient satisfaction according to each AIDET criterion at the time points before the intervention, after one week and before discharge were: A: 91.3%, 94.2%, 95.9%, I: 68.6%, 87.8%, 92.4%), D: 84.9%, 88.9%, 94.2%, E: 84.9%, 86.6%, 94.8% , T: 80.2%, 87.2%, 95.3%, respectively.

Conclusion: Application of AIDET model in communication between nurses and patients contributes to increasing patient satisfaction rate.


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How to Cite

Đinh Thị , T., Trần Thiện , T., Claywell, L., & Lâm , T. (2024). APPLICATION OF AIDET MODEL IN COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NURSE AND PATIENT. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (35), 11.