
  • Mai Trần Thị Quỳnh Bệnh viện Quân dân Y Miền Đông
  • Hoàn Bùi Thị Bệnh viện Quân dân Y Miền Đông
  • Thúy Thái Thị Bệnh viện Quân dân Y Miền Đông
  • Việt Trương Hoàng Bệnh viện Quân dân Y Miền Đông
  • Toàn Nguyễn Cảnh Trung tâm Y tế Tân Cảng/Quân Cảng Sài Gòn
  • Công Nguyễn Đức Trường Đại học Y khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch


Anxiety disorder, stress disorder, COVID-19, DASS 21


Introduction: Previous studies reported that there were anxiety and stress disorders in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. However, those disorders in COVID-19 patients were not well studied in Vietnam.

Materials-Methods: Cross-sectional study implemented on 298 patients who were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR. They were hospitalized for isolation and treatment from July 2021 to August 2021. Level of anxiety and stress on the first day of hospital admission was followed by The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 21).

Results: The prevalence of anxiety and stress in COVID-19 patients on the first day of hospital admission was 83.2% and 81.2%, respectively. The rate of anxiety was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the group ≥ 40 years compared with < 40 (95.6% and 79.6%), with symptomatic compared with none (85.2% and 72.9%), with underlying disease versus no (88.9% and 82.7%), moderate/severe versus mild COVID-19 (98.5% and 77.3%, respectively). The rate of moderate or severe anxiety was significantly greater in the group ≥ 40 years old, BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, with underlying disease, moderate/ severe COVID-19 (72.1%, 76.2%, 77.8%, and 90.5%, respectively) compared with the other group (56.5%, 57.4%, 58.3%, and 45.8%, respectively). The prevalence of stress was significantly superior in the group ≥ 40 years (92.6% vs 77.8%), BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 (95.2% vs 78.9%), symptomatic (83.2% vs 70.8%), moderate/severe COVID-19 (96.8% vs 73.9%, respectively). The rate of moderate or severe stress was higher in the group with underlying disease, moderate/severe COVID-19 (63.0%, 84.2%, respectively) compared to the other group (40.2%, 22.7%).

Conclusions: The rates of anxiety and stress in COVID-19 patients on the first day of hospital admission were high. The rate of anxiety or stress was higher in the group of patients aged ≥ 40, BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, with underlying disease, symptomatic compared with the group with age < 40, BMI < 25 kg/m2, without underlying disease, no symptoms. The severity of COVID-19 increased both the prevalence and severity of both anxiety and stress.


Quyết định 3416/QĐ-BYT ngày 14/07/2021 của Bộ Y tế về việc Ban hành hướng dẫn chẩn đoán và điều trị COVID-19 do chủng vi rút Corona mới (SARS-CoV-2).

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How to Cite

Trần Thị Quỳnh , M., Bùi Thị , H., Thái Thị , T., Trương Hoàng , V., Nguyễn Cảnh , T., & Nguyễn Đức , C. (2024). ANXIETY AND STRESS DISORDERS IN COVID-19 PATIENTS WERE ADMITTED TO THE EASTERN MILITARY HOSPITAL ON THE FIRST DAY. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (35), 10.