
  • Lân Trịnh Hồng Phân viện Khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao động và bảo vệ môi trường miền Nam
  • Nhung Phạm Thị Kim Phân viện Khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao động và bảo vệ môi trường miền Nam
  • Kim Vũ Thụy Bảo Phân viện Khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao động và bảo vệ môi trường miền Nam
  • Thủy Phan Thị Trúc Phân viện Khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao động và bảo vệ môi trường miền Nam
  • Hà Vũ Thị Phân viện Khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao động và bảo vệ môi trường miền Nam


Stress, anxiety, depression, female garment workers


Objective: Assess the state of stress, anxiety, and depression of female workers at some garment companies in Dong Nai province and identify some occupational factors affecting the mental health of female workers in the garment industry.

Subjects and research methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 789 female workers from 18 years old working over 12 months in the garment industry at 8 garment companies in Dong Nai province from July 2021 to December 2022 and agreed participate in research.

Results: Average age is 36.44 years old; The age group over 40 accounts for the highest proportion (39.1%), 49.7% have a high school degree or higher, 75.5% are married and 71.5% have 1 - 2 children. The majority have health type 3 (62.6%), type 2 (32.2%); Dental and facial diseases are the most common (47.1% and 33.6%); 2.4% had blood count abnormalities. 18.6% had stress, 4.8% had anxiety, and 2.7% had depression. Living with 2 or more people, sewing line, working over 5 years, having internal medicine diseases, ENT diseases have a higher stress rate of 2.42 times with 95% CI (1.02). -6.28); 2.28 times with 95% CI (1.62-3.19); 1.36 times with 95% CI (1.02-1.82), 1.44 times with 95% CI (1.06-1.94); 1.66 times with 95% CI (1.14-2.41). Unsatisfactory temperature, internal medicine disease, ENT disease, and abnormal blood tests had a 3.85 times higher rate of anxiety with 95% CI (1.63-9.11); 3 times with 95% CI (1.62-5.57); 2.64 times with 95% CI (1.29-5.38); 3.47 times with 95% CI (1.17-10.31). Departments working on sewing lines,unsatisfactory temperatures had a higher rate of depression, respectively 3.62 times with 95% CI (1.23-10.67) and 4.34 times with 95% CI (1.29-14.6).

Conclusion: The rate of stress, anxiety, and depression among female workers in the garment industry in Dong Nai province is related to the working environment and physical health of workers, so there is a need for intervention measures to improve the working environment. , health conditions thereby reducing the rate of stress, anxiety, depression and improving workers’ health.


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How to Cite

Trịnh Hồng , L., Phạm Thị Kim , N., Vũ Thụy Bảo , K., Phan Thị Trúc , T., & Vũ Thị , H. (2024). STRESS, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, AND RELATED FACTORS IN FEMALE WORKERS IN SOME GARMENT COMPANIES IN DONG NAI PROVINCE. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (35), 9.