
  • Chương Nguyễn Văn Phân hiệu phía Nam/Học viện Quân y
  • Ân Võ Duy Bệnh viện Phạm Ngọc Thạch
  • Phụng Võ Thị Hoàng Bệnh viện Nhân Dân 115


Non-small cell lung cancer, chest x-ray, computed tomography scan


Objective: Characteristics of chest X-ray and computed tomography images of non-small cell lung cancer patients before treatment

Subjects anh methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional study on 272 patients treated for non-small cell lung cancer at Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital.

Results: The rate of single tumors detected by X-ray was the highest at 66.2% and CT scans was 60.3%. CT scans identified multiple tumors 2.76 times more often than X-rays (39.7% vs 14.3%). The rate of X-rays missing tumors is 19.5% (53 cases). Peripheral tumors for the majority with 55.7% (X-ray) and 51.8% (CT scan). The incidence of right lung tumors is higher with 64.4% (X-ray) and 65.8% (CT scan). Multi-arc borders for the majority with 56.6% on X-ray and 58.5% on CT scan, followed by dendritic margins of 35.2% on X-rays and 36.8% on CT scan. The complete solid density is the majority in X-ray, higher than CT with 80.8% compared to 69.9%. In contrast, on CT scan, the tumor has partial solid density, accounting for 24.6%, this rate on X-ray is 16%. There is no difference in tumor size on CT and X-ray (p>0.05). After contrast material injection, Tumor density increased >30 Hounsfield Units (HU) the highest proportion was 21.3%. The most patients with post-injection density increased had a >15 HU, representing 72.4% (p < 0.05). Signs of pleural effusion are common on X-rays 51.1% and CT 52.2%.

Conclusion: The rate of X-rays missing tumors is 19.5%. CT scans identified multiple tumors 2.76 times more often than X-rays.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Văn , C., Võ Duy , Ân, & Võ Thị Hoàng , P. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF CHEST X-RAY AND COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER BEFORE TREATMENT. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (37), 9.