
  • Thắng Trần Văn Công Bệnh viện Quân y 175
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  • Cẩm Trương Đình Bệnh viện Quân y 175


Platelet aggregation, coronary artery disease, drug resistance


Objective: Evaluation of platelet aggregation and antiplatelet drug resistance rate in patients with coronary artery disease patients who were treated by aspirin and/ or clopidogrel.

Method: A cross – sectional study was conducted on 201 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients who were treated by aspirin and/ or clopidogrel, with a minimum stable medication duration of 7 days. Platelet aggregation was measured by Light Transmission Aggregometry. Criteria for determining resistance to antiplatelet drugs were based on the 2010 HTPR (high on-treatment platelet reactivity) of American College of Cardiology (ACC) consensus.

Results: 150 men and 50 women, average age is 62,83 ± 11,02, Median/ interquartile range (Med/IQR) of platelet aggregation when using aspirin is 7,0 /14,5 and clopidogrel is 51,45 /20,9. The rate of aspirin resistance was 19,05%, clopidogrel resistance was 61,11%, and resistance to both drugs was 13,44%. No significant relationship was found between platelet aggregation and age, gender and body mass index (BMI) (p > 0,05).

Conclusion: The resistance rate to clopidogrel in the treatment of coronary artery disease is quite high (up to 61,11%). Dual antiplatelet combination therapy (asprin and clopidogrel) increases treatment effectiveness and reduces the rate of antiplatelet resistance.


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How to Cite

Trần Văn Công , T., Tạ Anh , H., & Trương Đình , C. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF PLATELET AGGREGATION IN PATIENTS WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE TREATED WITH ASPIRIN AND/OR CLOPIDOGREL. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (36), 10.