
  • Thị Nhàn Lê Bệnh viện Quân Dân Miền Đồng
  • Thành Lợi Trương Bệnh viện Quân Dân Miền Đồng
  • Hoàn Việt Trương Bệnh viện Quân Dân Miền Đồng
  • Sĩ Dũng Hồ Trường Đại học Y khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch
  • Đức Công Nguyễn Trường Đại học Y khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch


SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19 infection, Covid-19 patients, Covid-19 vaccine, co-morbidity


Background: Many Covid-19 vaccines have been shown to reduce Covid 19 disease incidence and severity. Besides, ages, gender, BMI, co-morbidity also play a important roles in the progression . However, few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of these factors in Vietnam.

Objective: The aim of study is evaluating the influence of the Covid-19 vaccines, ages, gender, BMI, co-morbidity on the severity and progression of ilness in Covid 19 inpatients treated at the Eastern Military Hospital from July 2021 to November 2021.

Methods: The reasearch uses descriptive study on 244 patients (mean age 44.32±14.18, male/female 48.4/51.6%), hospitalized for Covid-19 treatment at the Eastern Military Hospital. The patient’s medical history and vaccination, clinical, and paraclinical history were taken to assess the severity according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health. Patients complications, illness progression, effection of treatments are also observed and studied (no conversion, improvement, required active resuscitation). Based on that, the relationship between vaccination, ages, gender, BMI, co-morbidity and disease severity, time of negative PCR, length of hospital stay and ilness outcome will be investigated.

Results: The level of mild, moderate and severe - critical patients in the unvaccinated patients, one-dose vaccinated patients, and two-doses vaccinated patients were 17.5%, 38.1% and 44.4%; 67.0%, 26.6% and 7.3%; 81.7%, 17.0% and 1.3% (p<0.001) respectively. The time of PCR negative test result of these 3 groups are 18.2%±3.8, 13.6±2.9 and 12.7±1.9 days, respectively (p<0.001). The duration of inpatient treatment of these 3 groups was 18.65±4.71, 16.13±2.61 and 15.10±1.68 days, respectively (p<0.001). The rate of severe disease required intensive care treatment of 3 groups was 20.6%, 5.1% and 0.0%, respectively (p<0.001). Other factors were investigated, including overweight and obesity (p<0.001), hypertension (p=0.003), heart failure (p=0.048), COPD (p=0.038). ), asthma (p=0.012), tuberculosis (p=0.004), number of underlying diseases ≥3 (p=0.001), smoking (p<0.001). Conclusion: Covid-19 vaccines reduce the severity of the disease, shorten the time of negative PCR test and hospital stay length, and significantly reduce the rate required intensive care. On univariate regression, in addition to gender and asthma, the remaining factors such as age, obesity and other comorbidities are all aggravating factors. However, on multivariate analysis, only factors including age, obesity, heart failure, chronic kidney disease had an effect on worsening the disease.


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Md. Abdul Barek, Md. Abdul Aziz, Mohammad Safiqul Islam, Impact of age, sex, comorbidities and clinical symptoms on the severity of COVID-19 cases: A meta-analysis with 55 studies and 10014 cases,Heliyon,Volume 6, Issue 12, 2020, e05684,ISSN 2405-8440.

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How to Cite

Lê , T. N., Trương , T. L., Trương , H. V., Hồ , S. D., & Nguyễn Đức C. (2023). IMPACT OF COVID-19 VACCINE ON SEVERITY AND PROGRESSION OF ILLNESS IN COVID-19 INPATIENTS AT THE EASTERN MILITARY HOSPITAL. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (31), 11.