
  • Huệ Lê Thị Bệnh viện Thống Nhất
  • Chi Hà Thị Kim Bệnh viện Thống Nhất
  • Nam Hoàng Quốc Bệnh viện Thống Nhất
  • Công Nguyễn Đức Đại học y khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch


Osteoporosis, Sarcopenia, Elderly people


Background: Osteoporosis and sarcopenia are associated with aging and are two factors that determine the quality of life and longevity in the elderly.

Objectives: This study examined the prevalence of osteoporosis and associations between osteoporosis with sarcopenia, low muscle quantity, grip strength and low gait speed in the elderly at Thong Nhat Hospital.

Methods Study: cross-sectional study. The patiens underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of lumbar spine, and femur neck. All participants were evaluated for handgrip strength by dynamometer and for gait speed by walking 6m distance. Appendicular muscle mass was evaluated by bioimpedance analysis (BIA). Sascopenia was confirmed abnormal muscle mass and abnormal grip strength and/or gait speed.

Results: Study group of 205 elderly patients (72,7% women) with a median age of 73,7 ± 9,17 years. The prevalence of osteoporosis was 53,7% in femur neck, 40% in lumbar spine.. In the total study group, the rate of osteoporosis in sarcopenia was significantly higher than in the non-sarcopenia with OR=2,17 at lumbar spine and OR= 2,54 at femur neck (p<0,01). In the women subgroup ,osteoporosis prevalence in sarcopenia was significantly higher than that in the non-sarcopenia with OR=2,28 (p=0,015) at lumbar spine and OR=1,97 (p=0,029) at femur neck. In the men subgroup, Osteoporosis prevalence in sarcopenia was higher than that in the non-sarcopenia with OR=4,66 (p=0,021) at femoral neck but not atlumbar spine(p=0,092).

Conclusions: The rate of osteoporosis is high in elderly inpatients. In femur neck, the rate of osteoporosis in sarcopenia higher than in the non-sarcopenia in the total study group, women subgroup and men subgroup. In the lumbar spine, the rate of osteoporosis in sarcopenia higher than in the non-sarcopenia in the total study group, women subgroup, difference no statistically significant in the male subgroup.


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How to Cite

Lê Thị, H., Hà Thị Kim, C., Hoàng Quốc, N., & Nguyễn Đức, C. (2023). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA IN ELDERLY PATIENTS AT THONG NHAT HOSPITAL. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (27), 10.