
  • Anh Ngô Tuấn Đại học Y Dược TP. HCM
  • Đức Nguyễn Minh Đại học Y Dược TP. HCM
  • Ngọc Cao Thanh Đại học Y Dược TP. HCM
  • Công Nguyễn Đức Đại học Y Khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch


Elderly women, metabolic syndomre, osteoporosis


Objective: Investigating the association between metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis in the elderly women at Geriatric clinic and Rheumatology clinic of University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with the participation of 178 elderly women patients (≥ 60 years of age) at Geriatric clinic and Rheumatology clinic of University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City from November 2020 to May 2021. Metabolic syndrome was defined using criteria from NCEP/ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program/Adult Treatment Panel III) in 2005 for Asian people and osteoporosis was diagnosed based on World Health Organization’criteria in 1994 by measuring bone mineral density assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Results: Of 178 elderly women enrolled the study, we had 82 osteoporotic and 96 non-osteoporotic patients. The prevalence of osteoporosis in metabolic syndrome group was higher than in non-metabolic syndrome group (52,9% versus 26,8%) and statistically significant difference (p = 0,033). In multiple logistic regression analysis, patient with metabolic syndrome increased the odds ratio for osteoporosis by 2,8 times, which was statistically significant (OR = 2.8; p = 0,029). Regarding to the relationship between metabolic syndrome components and osteoporois, waist circumference was negatively associated (OR = 0,95;p = 0,044). Besides, HDL-C also was asociated with osteoporosis in the elderly women (OR = 0,95; p = 0,02).

Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is positively associated with osteoporosis in the elderly women. Amongst metabolic components, waist circumference and HDL-C are negatively associated with osteoporosis.


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How to Cite

Ngô Tuấn, A., Nguyễn Minh, Đức, Cao Thanh, N., & Nguyễn Đức, C. (2023). THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN METABOLIC SYNDROME AND OSTEOPOROSIS IN THE ELDERLY WOMEN. Journal of 175 Practical Medicine and Pharmacy, (27), 12.